In celebration of Earth Day 2024, Friends of Rockridge-Temescal Greenbelt (FROG) are planning a cleanup of Big and Little Frog Park. The Earth Day theme for 2024 is Planet vs. Plastics. The intent is to bring awareness to the health risk of plastics, including phase out of single use plastics, and a call for a United Nations Treaty on Plastic Pollution.
There has been an on-going dumping of plastic toys and used plastic play structures at FROG Park. Often these items are broken or damaged and do not meet safety standards. We ask the community to responsibly discard these items (either recycle broken plastic, or donate functional items), so we can minimize our collective environmental footprint.
The cleanup at the park includes tasks such as weeding, pruning, trash pickup, raking, sweeping, and gardening. Families and groups are welcome. Students needing service hours for school can receive a signed letter verifying their participation.
Please bring your own gardening gloves and refillable water bottles. Some gardening gloves will be available onsite. Tools will also be provided by the City of Oakland, but if you have your own, please bring them. Coffee and snacks will be provided.
When: April 20, 2024, from 9am to 12pm
Where: Meet by the Big Frog play structure to sign the waiver to participate in the cleanup.